How To Get Your Roof Ready For Spring
The clouds are breaking, the weather is warming back up, it’s staying lighter longer. Those can mean one thing, Spring is upon us!
As a homeowner you may do your yearly “spring cleaning” and while you’re doing that you should include taking a look at your roof and getting it ready for spring and summer.
How do you get your roof ready for spring? Great question!
Even though we don’t get the harsh winters like our neighbors to the north, it’s still important to inspect your roof after the winter to ensure its stability and structure.
Here are a few tips on how to get your roof ready for spring!
Check For Damage
High winds, freezing temperatures, sleet, hail, and even snow can have damaging effects on your roof. What may seem like a minor issue at first can become catastrophic if left unrepaired.
If you see missing shingles, metal roof components rusting, discoloration, bent flashing (the metal around the components sticking out of the roof) or any other “cosmetic” issues, those could be signs of roof damage beyond what the eye can see.
The top layer of your roof (shingles, flashing, etc) is the first barrier of protection. Once those barriers have been penetrated, you are susceptible to further damage and more significant issues.
If this is something you’ve found upon general inspection from the ground (it is not advised to go up ONTO the roof without proper training or equipment), call your roofing contractor and have them do an inspection and maintenance check as soon as possible to keep the damage and costs to a minimum.
We offer metal roofing repair in San Antonio and shingle roof repair along with other residential roofing services in the southern Texas area.
Clean Your Gutters
Here at Stephens Roofing we recommend that you clean your gutters every 3-4 months and especially after harsh weather conditions.
Even though gutter cleaning isn’t a glamorous task, it is necessary to ensure proper drainage.
Clear out your gutters of any debris, fallen leaves, mud, and the occasional bird’s nest (safely relocate) to allow water to flow freely as it runs off your roof.
It’s also important to check the stability of your gutters and downspouts. Make sure they are firmly attached and make any necessary repairs to re-stabilize them.
Check The Attic
Your attic is the highest point in your home, so it’s obvious that it will be the first place to show signs of damage if your roof has been compromised.
Head up into your attic and check for signs of roof damage. Look for signs of leaking, water stains, mildew, black marks, and mold. Finding any of these can be an indication that your roof has been compromised.
Call your roofing contractor to inspect the roof and make any necessary roof repair.
Get Your Roof Ready For Spring With Stephens Roofing
If you’re needing to get your roof inspected to get your roof ready for spring, call us at Stephens Roofing for a free estimate.
We recommend getting your roof inspected twice a year; once before winter and once before summer to ensure it is in good condition and will continue protecting your family and possessions.
We provide residential roofing services as well as commercial roofing services in the San Antonio, Boerne, Austin and other areas around the Southern Texas region.